Well, I have just had a lot on my plate. And the focus of my blog keeps changing. My son is 3.5 years old now, and my last post was about potty training. Well, he's finally starting to come around. And he actually pooped for the first time last week. I am using a lot of treats to get him started, but until this point he was coming up to me and telling me he pooped in his diaper, so I figured it was time to really commit to it.
I just gave birth at the end of July to my new son. He's now 6 weeks old and just a little cutie pie! He's a much fussier baby than Zach was. Well, I should say, in retrospect that the sensory problems really made Zach a laid back baby. He could care less if he was in a dirty diaper, and temperature changes never bothered him. My new guy can't stand the heat, as it's been so humid here. It actually was the worst summer to be pregnant in my area.
I've been attending support group meetings for the Sensory Processing Disorder. It's been SO USEFUL. I encourage any of you, if you are in the same boat to find one. This week there will be a speaker from the Development center to talk about whether you should have your child evaluated. I'm still on the fence. Our therapists have suggested that he may have a little ADHD going on, and that we should have a professional evaluate him. I do notice that when we are out in public, his behavior is much more hyper than a lot of kids that look his age. So, we'll see. It's a constant learning experience. He started gymnastics last week, and it was a challenge to get him to sit and wait for directions and to follow them, even though he really liked what they were doing and actually repeated the guy. I wonder how difficult school will be for him.
So, with that said, since this summer has been so crazy... My garden didn't do well at all!! It was disappointing, but truthfully, I probably didn't water it as well as I should. I didn't make it to the farmer's market either, which I'm bummed out about, and I seemed to have lost my passion for cooking. So, I'm trying to get that back.
So, hopefully I'll be able to come up with some posts sooner than I have been. I'm back in the cloth diaper market, so perhaps I will write about them again too!
2 hours ago