Sunday, July 6, 2008

Farmer's Market Trip - 7/5/08

My farmer's market trip this week was another good one.

My picture is kind of odd, but we'll dissect it.

Tomatoes (8)...........$4.00
Limes (5)..................$1.75
Snap peas (pint).......$2.00
Strawberries (9).......$1.75
Cherries (quart)........$4.00
Kiwi (5)....................$1.75
Red peppers (2)........$2.00
Blueberries (quart).$2.00

I had a picture, but it's vanished of the following:
Eggs (large, cage free, organically fed)........$2.50
Sesame seeds.............................................$2.00
ABC's sprinkle things for cookies..................$1.50
Grand total: $30.00 even.

If you haven't ever cooked with fresh herbs, you really need to. It's amazing how much better the flavor is. Basil and oregano can pretty much go in anything!

My plan with the tomatoes is to make salsa. There's nothing like a fresh salsa.

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