Sunday, July 20, 2008

Farmer's Market Trip 7/19/08.

I got a lot of goodies this week:

Green peppers (6)..........$2.00
Tomatoes (6)...................$2.00
Scallions (2 bunch)..........$1.00
Basil (2 bunches).............$2.50
Peas (1 pint)....................$2.00
Cucumbers (4).................$1.00
Baby plums (14)..............$2.00
Cherries (1 pint)................$2.50
Baby peaches (10)............ $2.00
Lemons (3)...................... $1.00
Zucchini (4)......................$1.00

Total = $19.00

I'm going to make some pesto with the basil!! I'm real excited to do my own.

And then there was this beauty!!! It's a little plant with hot peppers all over. They are very small, like 2-3 inches long. They start out green which is mild, then they turn purple which is medium and if you keep them going they turn red which is hot. I used a couple of the red in my salsa and OOooh boy are they hot. This plant cost me $5.00 and the pepper will keep growing!!


Anonymous said...

How long will that grocery list cost? I'm on a super budget right now and any recipe suggestions would be much appreciated.

Dagny McKinley
bamboo and organic clothing

Jen said...

Hiya Dagny.

I'd have to say that it pretty much lasts us a week. That's 2 adults and 1 toddler. I do pick up a couple of fruits and veggies at the grocery store too.

Most times, I make a simple salad with them. Or I'll pack cut up veggies for lunch. They are wonderful for snacks.

I do plan to post more recipes.. but you're welcome to email me with your email address and I can send you some.

Thanks for stopping by my blog!!